Introducing Our MD Polymer Extrusion Testing Service

Are you considering investing in a Massive Dimension pellet head extruder, but worry that the polymer you want to extrude won’t be compatible? Our material testing laboratory has the solution for you! Introducing our MD polymer extrusion testing service - we can assist in determining whether your material will work with our machines and help establish baseline settings for extrusion. Get started by visiting our testing services page, where you can order your test.
Our material printing evaluation service utilizes our MDPH2 pellet head extruder on a large format printer to run a designated print file - our MD logo. This is a benchmark test that can adequately demonstrate success or failure from a given polymer.
We require at least a half-gallon of material in order to do a proper test. This amount will allow us to troubleshoot and adjust variables to create the best print conditions possible. Once we receive your material and accompanying documentation- namely the manufacturing data sheet and technical data sheet, we will contact you with an ETA of when your test will be completed. Once we have completed the test you will be provided with documentation of the extrusion, including: systems used and their settings, details regarding the procedure, and field notes/observations made during the test.
At a later date you will receive the print from the test as well as any remaining feedstock material.
If you have any questions regarding these services please reach out to
We look forward to helping you find extrusion settings and solutions for your 3D printing needs.
The Massive Dimension Lab